زبطت هديك البنت = I fixed that girl
بس بلاش يا زلمة = Just free man
انت لذيذ وبتتاكل = You're delicious an eatable
يستر على عرضك = cover your wide
راحت عليك = She went on you
فيش مجال لفك عجال = No way to pick up wheels
لا تحسب حسابي = Don't calculate my calculations
ظروف قاهرة = Cairo envelopes
شو الدعوة ؟؟ = What is the invitation ??
مش شايفك عرّض شفايفك = I can't see you, make your lips wider
حليق من هون = Shave from here
ليش يا بعد عمري ؟ = Why after my age ?
حقك علي = Your price on me
ورق دوالي = Paper medicine for me
مقلوبة = Upside down
فوق طائتي = ِAbove mu window
لا تدفع.....أنا بدفع = Don't push…..I will push
خليها على حسابي = Keep it on my mathematics
ما عندك سالفة = You have no story
الحلو ما يكمل = Sweet never complete
مش بيناتنا = Not between us
من هون لهون = From here to here
حباب = Love doorكتبت كتابي = I wrote my book
أكوي من هون = Iron from here
هو اسمه يزيد = His name is increasment
يا ألف نهار أبيض = Thousand white morning
جمعة كتب كتابه على بطة = Friday wrote his book on duck
دستور يا أهل الدار = Constitution the home